Mario Vultaggio

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 Dr Mario VULTAGGIO is Professor of Navigation at Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope"(ex I.U.N.), Naples Italy. He holds a Doctorate in Nautical Science from I.U.N. and Master Mariner degree from Italian Merchant Marine. He has seagoing experience as Mate on board of italian merchant ships. His field of research were in oceanography surveying between 1972 and 1979. Since 1979 his research interests were Navigation, Cartography, VTS (Vessel Traffic Services), Space and Astronomical Navigation. Now his research subjects are radio and satellite navigation, integrated navigation sistems. He was member of European Project on Safety of Navigation COST301. Now he is member of EUGIN(European Union Group Institute of Navigation) and IAIN(Internation Associations Institute of Navigation )Committee and IEC WG10 and Vice President of IIN (Italian Institute of Navigation). During his scientific activity he has written more than one hundred papers and he has presented his main results at IAIN and GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems)Congresses. Since 1994 he is Leader of navigation positioning for marine vehicles of antarctic researches; moreover he has planned and setting up several integrated systems for marine navigation (NET-NAV and nn2000).He has great experience in Differential GPS,Kinematic GPS and GNSS (GPS+GLONASS), SBAS, GBAS, ABAS.Since 2002 to 2008 he was director of Institute of Navigation "G.Simeon" of Facoulty of Science and Technology. to day is President of Degree of Nautical Science and Science and Technology of Navigation.

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