MOQAP - Maritime Operations Quality Assurance Platform

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HORIZON 2020 - PON I&C 2014-2020

The goal of the project is to create a service platform that allows you to define, control in near real time, predict and analyze situations that can endanger the performance objectives of a maritime transport operator.The platform is developed as an ecosystem of independent services that cooperate with each other in monitoring, controlling and measuring the performance understood as a set of objectives of different nature that can be configured ex ante, evaluated in itinere, evaluated ex post. The Planning, Monitoring & Control, Business Analysis processes will find concrete and measured benefits from the solutions created with the project. A Smart Alert, Early Response, Business data Analytics platform will be created which makes it possible to make the decision-making chain faster and more effective in circumstances where it is important to respond quickly to critical situations with respect to the achievement of objectives and important analysis to define the performance obtained. and its operating conditions.The MOQAP platform is aimed in particular at the main stakeholders of the maritime transport chain: mainly shipping companies and other actors who interact with the information systems operating in the maritime transport sector.The project activities intend to demonstrate the interoperability of the platform or the vertical growth potential of the ecosystem and the interest of port institutions and authorities or the horizontal growth potential of the ecosystem. "

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