PANG Bibliography

This section contains PANG members' publications and theses drowed up with the collaboration of the Laboratory staff. You can download (when available) the pdf version of paper or thesis by clicking on the corresponding pdf icon.

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L. PERROTTA, Tecniche RAIM per il Posizionamento Satellitare in Single Point, Parthenope, Naples, 2012.PDF icon Tesi_Perrotta.pdf (4.53 MB)
G. Castaldo, Tecnica RANSAC/RANCO per il posizionamento in ambiente urbano, Parthenope, 2014.PDF icon Castaldo_tesi_web.pdf (1.25 MB)
A. ANGRISANO, Sviluppo di Software per lo Studio della Visibilità dei Satelliti della Costellazione GPS, Parthenope, Naples, 2006.
A. De Simone, Posizionamento Doppler con osservabili GPS: una metodologia alternativa, Parthenope, Naples, 2011.PDF icon Tesi_DeSimone.pdf (2.05 MB)
U. Papa, PERSEO (Piattaforma Embedded per la Ricerca del Sentiero di atterraggio ed Ostacoli) - Embedded Platform for UAS Landing Path and Obstacles Detection., 2017.PDF icon PhD Thesis PAPA - Unmanned Aircraft Systems_Final.pdf (4.66 MB)
F. Giordano, Machine Learning application to context recognition of a smartphone in Pedestrian Navigation, 2019.
A. ANGRISANO, GNSS/INS Integration Methods, Parthenope, Naples, 2011.PDF icon PhD Thesis_Angrisano.pdf (3.94 MB)
C. Gioia, GNSS Navigation in difficult environments: Hybridization and Reliability, 2014.PDF icon PhD_thesis_CG.pdf (7.71 MB)
A. Innac, Fuzzy techniques applied to GNSS for quality assessment and reliability testing in difficult signal scenarios, 2017.PDF icon PhD_thesis_Innac.pdf (6.29 MB)
G. Rotondo, Confronto tra Tecniche RAIM e NIORAIM in Ambiente Urbano, Parthenope, 2012.PDF icon abstract _Rotondo.pdf (280.43 KB)
M. MASSARO, Confronto tra Modelli Ionosferici nel Posizionamento GNSS in Singola Frequenza, Parthenope, Naples, 2011.PDF icon Tesi_Massaro.pdf (3.49 MB)
A. De Luca, Analisi dell’Accuratezza di Orbite Broadcast e Precise delle Costellazioni GPS e GLONASS, Parthenope, 2013.PDF icon intro_DeLuca.pdf (322.8 KB)
P. Freda, Algoritmi GNSS per la Stima della Velocità, 2014.PDF icon Tesi_Freda.pdf (4.51 MB)
S. Gaglione, Innac, A. , Pastore, S. Carbone, Troisi, S. , and Angrisano, A. , Robust Estimation Methods Applied to GPS in Harsh Environments. 2017.
Magazine Article
A. ANGRISANO, PACIFICO, A. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , Solving GPS gap, Coverage analysis of a superconstellation made up of GPS+EGNOS+S-QZSS, Coordinates, vol. IV, no. 6, 2008.
Journal Article
S. Del Pizzo, Papa, U. , Gaglione, S. , Troisi, S. , and Del Core, G. , A Vision-based navigation system for landing procedure, ACTA IMEKO, 2018.
A. Angrisano, Del Pizzo, S. , Gaglione, S. , Troisi, S. , and Vultaggio, M. , Using local redundancy to improve GNSS absolute positioning in harsh scenario, ACTA IMEKO, vol. 7, 2018.
V. Piscopo and Scamardella, A. , Ultimate strength assessment of simply supported pitted platings: A new stochastic approach based on Monte Carlo simulation, Marine Structures, vol. 87, 2023.
P. Freda, Angrisano, A. , Gaglione, S. , and Troisi, S. , Time-differenced carrier phases technique for precise GNSS velocity estimation, GPS Solutions, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 341, 2015.
A. Angrisano, Cappello, G. , Del Pizzo, S. , and Gaglione, S. , Time-Differenced Carrier Phase Technique for Precise Velocity Estimation on an Android Smartphone, Sensors, vol. 22, 2022.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , PUGLIANO, G. , ROBUSTELLI, R. , SANTAMARIA, R. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , A stochastic sigma model for GLONASS satellite pseudorange, APPLIED GEOMATICS, vol. 3, p. –, 2011.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , GIOIA, C. , and ROBUSTELLI, U. , Space-Based Augmentation for Integrity Improvement, ANNALI DELLA FACOLTÀ DI SCIENZE E TECNOLOGIE, vol. 70, p. –, 2010.
V. Baiocchi, Del Pizzo, S. , Monti, F. , Pugliano, G. , Onori, M. , Robustelli, U. , Troisi, S. , Vatore, F. , and Trujillo, F. James Leó, Solutions and limitations of the geomatic survey of an archaeological site in hard to access areas with a latest generation smartphone: the example of the Intihuatana stone in Machu Picchu (Peru), Acta IMEKO, vol. 11, 2022.
A. Angrisano and Gaglione, S. , Smartphone GNSS Performance in an Urban Scenario with RAIM Application, Sensors, vol. 22, 2022.
G. Mattei, Troisi, S. , Aucelli, P. P. C. , Pappone, G. , Peluso, F. , and Stefanile, M. , Sensing the submerged landscape of Nisida Roman harbour in the gulf of Naples from integrated measurements on a USV, Water (Switzerland), vol. 10, 2018.
