PANG Bibliography

This section contains PANG members' publications and theses drowed up with the collaboration of the Laboratory staff. You can download (when available) the pdf version of paper or thesis by clicking on the corresponding pdf icon.

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Conference Paper
S. Troisi, Del Pizzo, S. , Gaglione, S. , Miccio, A. , and Testa, R. L. , 3D Models Comparison of complex shell in Undewater and dry Environments, in Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling, 2015.
S. Gaglione, Pennino, S. , Piscopo, V. , and Scamardella, A. , Absolute sea spectrum resampling from encounter wave time history, in 2019 IMEKO TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea: Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2019, 2020.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , GIOIA, C. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , Aided GPS/GLONASS navigation in urban environment, in ENC 2012, 2012.PDF icon Aided GPSGLONASS navigation in urban environment ABSTRACT.pdf (59.65 KB)
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , GIOIA, C. , ROBUSTELLI, U. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , Algorithms for GNSS Positioning in Difficult Scenario, in ENC 2011, London, 2011.PDF icon Algorithms for GNSS Positioning in Difficult Scenario.pdf (371.47 KB)
S. D. Pizzo, Angrisano, A. , Gaglione, S. , and Troisi, S. , Assessment of shoreline detection using UAV, in MetroSea 2020 - TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea, 2020.
A. ANGRISANO, PACIFICO, A. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , Augmentation satellites constellations, a simulation on EGNOS and QZSS for Europe coverage, in ENC 2008, Toulouse, France, 22-25 April, 2008.PDF icon EGNOS_QZSS.pdf (3.37 MB)
S. Gaglione, Angrisano, A. , Freda, P. , Innac, A. , Vultaggio, M. , and Crocetto, N. , Benefit of GNSS multiconstellation in position and velocity domain, in Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 2015 IEEE, 2015.
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , and Maratea, A. , A comparison between resistant GNSS positioning techniques in harsh environment, in 2018 European Navigation Conference, ENC 2018, 2018.
G. Cappello, Angrisano, A. , Ascione, S. , Del Pizzo, S. , Gioia, C. , Portelli, G. , Susi, M. , and Gaglione, S. , Demonstrating Galileo Has in Single Point Positioning, in 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Automotive (MetroAutomotive), 2023.
A. Angrisano, Ascione, S. , Cappello, G. , Del Pizzo, S. , Messina, S. , and Gaglione, S. , DOP analysis using AIS R-MODE stations combined with GNSS satellites into the Venice Lagoon, in 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
E. DE LELLIS, CORRARO, F. , CINIGLIO, U. , GAGLIONE, S. , CANZOLINO, P. , GARBARINO, L. , and NASTRO, V. , An EGNOS Based Navigation System for Highly Reliable Aircraft Automatic Landing, in ENC GNSS 2009 PROCEEDINGS, 2009, p. –.PDF icon An EGNOS Based Navigation System for Highly Reliable Aircraft Automatic Landing.pdf (689.62 KB)
A. Innac, Angrisano, A. , Del Pizzo, S. , Vultaggio, M. , and Gaglione, S. , EGNOS Performances assessment in maritime navigation, in 2021 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea), 2021.
S. Ascione, Del Pizzo, S. , Gaglione, S. , Piscopo, V. , and Troisi, S. , Enhanced geomatic techniques for the deformation survey of ship platings in a real environment, in 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
A. Angrisano, Del Pizzo, S. , Gaglione, S. , Troisi, S. , and Vultaggio, M. , Enhanced pseudorange weighting scheme using local redundancy, in IMEKO TC19 workshop on Metrology for the Sea, 2017.
S. GAGLIONE, VULTAGGIO, M. , and PACIFICO, A. , European Augmentation Service - a GNSS Monitoring in South Europe Region, in Proceedings of 12th IAIN World Congress - 2006 International Symposium on GPS / GNSS. Jeju, Korea, 2006, pp. 33–37.PDF icon European Augmentation Service - a GNSS Monitoring in South Europe Region.pdf (491.45 KB)
S. Gaglione, Angrisano, A. , Castaldo, G. , Freda, P. , Gioia, C. , Innac, A. , Troisi, S. , and Del Core, G. , The first Galileo FOC satellites: From useless to essential, in Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, 2015.
L. Alessandri, Baiocchi, V. , Del Pizzo, S. , Di Ciaccio, F. , Onori, M. , Rolfo, M. F. , and Troisi, S. , THE FUSION of EXTERNAL and INTERNAL 3D PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MODELS AS A TOOL to INVESTIGATE the ANCIENT HUMAN/CAVE INTERACTION: The la SASSA CASE STUDY, in International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 2020.
S. GAGLIONE, ROBUSTELLI, U. , SANTAMARIA, R. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , Galileo signal design: State of Art, in ENC - GNSS 2009 PROCEEDINGS, 2009, p. –.PDF icon Galileo signal design State of Art.pdf (139.24 KB)
S. GAGLIONE and VULTAGGIO, M. , GBAS - Ground Based Augmentation System, an Italian Experience, in Proceedings of European Navigation Conference (ENC) 2006, 2006, p. –.PDF icon GBAS - Ground Based Augmentation System an Italian Experience.pdf (176.73 KB)
A. ANGRISANO, PETOVELLO, M. , and PUGLIANO, G. , GNSS INS Integration in Vehicular Urban Navigation, in GNSS ION 2010, PORTLAND, OR, 2010.PDF icon GNSS INS Integration in Vehicular Urban Navigation.pdf (400.27 KB)
A. Innac, Angrisano, A. , Gaglione, S. , and Crocetto, N. , GPS precise positioning techniques for remote marine applications, in 2019 IMEKO TC19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea: Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters, MetroSea 2019, 2020.
S. Gaglione, Angrisano, A. , Castaldo, G. , Gioia, C. , Innac, A. , Perrotta, L. , Del Core, G. , and Troisi, S. , GPS/Barometer augmented navigation system: Integration and integrity monitoring, in Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 2015 IEEE, 2015.
A. ANGRISANO, Nocerino, E. , Troisi, S. , and DEL CORE, G. , IMU low cost calibration method, in ENC 2009, Naples, 2009.PDF icon IMU low cost calibration method.pdf (232.3 KB)
S. GAGLIONE, CIABURRI, M. , DEL CORE, G. , ROBUSTELLI, U. , and VACCARO, C. , Integrazione Del Convertiplano Erica Nell’ATM Europeo: Possibili Scenari Operativi, in Atti del XIX Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, 2007, p. –.PDF icon INTEGRAZIONE DEL CONVERTIPLANO ERICA NELL-ATM EUROPEO_ POSSIBILI SCENARI OPERATIVI.pdf (232.2 KB)
T. COZZOLINO, GAGLIONE, S. , NASTRO, V. , and SANTAMARIA, R. , Integrazione di un Sistema Inerziale con Misure Satellitari, in Atti della 8a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 2004, p. –.PDF icon Integrazione di un sistema inerziale con misure satellitari.pdf (66.78 KB)
