PANG Bibliography

This section contains PANG members' publications and theses drowed up with the collaboration of the Laboratory staff. You can download (when available) the pdf version of paper or thesis by clicking on the corresponding pdf icon.

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A. De Simone, Posizionamento Doppler con osservabili GPS: una metodologia alternativa, Parthenope, Naples, 2011.PDF icon Tesi_DeSimone.pdf (2.05 MB)
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , GIOIA, C. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , The Satellite Positioning Evolution in Coastal Processes, in Coastal Process II, SOUTHAMPTON – GBR, 2011.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , and GIOIA, C. , The Satellite Positioning Evolution in Coastal Processes, Coastal Process II, 2011.PDF icon The Satellite Positioning Evolution in Coastal Processes.pdf (580.76 KB)
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , PUGLIANO, G. , ROBUSTELLI, R. , SANTAMARIA, R. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , A stochastic sigma model for GLONASS satellite pseudorange, APPLIED GEOMATICS, vol. 3, p. –, 2011.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , GIOIA, C. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , Aided GPS/GLONASS navigation in urban environment, in ENC 2012, 2012.PDF icon Aided GPSGLONASS navigation in urban environment ABSTRACT.pdf (59.65 KB)
A. ANGRISANO, PETOVELLO, M. , and PUGLIANO, G. , Benefits of Combined GPS/GLONASS with Low-Cost MEMS IMUs for Vehicular Urban Navigation, Sensors, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 25, 2012.PDF icon sensors-12-05134.pdf (1.12 MB)
G. Rotondo, Confronto tra Tecniche RAIM e NIORAIM in Ambiente Urbano, Parthenope, 2012.PDF icon abstract _Rotondo.pdf (280.43 KB)
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , GIOIA, C. , ROBUSTELLI, U. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , GIOVE Satellites Pseudorange Error Assessment, JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION, vol. 65, pp. 29–40, 2012.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , and GIOIA, C. , RAIM algorithms for aided GNSS in urban scenario, in Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation, and Location Based Service (UPINLBS), 2012, 2012.
L. PERROTTA, Tecniche RAIM per il Posizionamento Satellitare in Single Point, Parthenope, Naples, 2012.PDF icon Tesi_Perrotta.pdf (4.53 MB)
A. De Luca, Analisi dell’Accuratezza di Orbite Broadcast e Precise delle Costellazioni GPS e GLONASS, Parthenope, 2013.PDF icon intro_DeLuca.pdf (322.8 KB)
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , Gioia, C. , Massaro, M. , and Robustelli, U. , Assessment of NeQuick ionospheric model for Galileo single-frequency users, Acta Geophysica, vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 1457-1476 , 2013.PDF icon Assessment of NeQuick Ionospheric Model for Galileo single-frequency users_preprint.pdf (768.43 KB)
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , Gioia, C. , Massaro, M. , and Troisi, S. , Benefit of the NeQuick Galileo Version in GNSS Single-Point Positioning, International Journal of Navigation and Observation, 2013.PDF icon 302947-8.pdf (7.25 MB)
S. Ackermann, Angrisano, A. , Del Pizzo, S. , Gaglione, S. , Gioia, C. , and Troisi, S. , Digital Surface Models for GNSS Mission Planning in Critical Environments, Journal of Surveying Engineering, p. null, 2013.
A. Angrisano, Gioia, C. , Gaglione, S. , and Del Core, G. , GNSS Reliability Testing in Signal-Degraded Scenario, International Journal of Navigation and Observation, p. –, 2013.
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , and Gioia, C. , Performance assessment of aided Global Navigation Satellite System for land navigation, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 7, pp. 671–680, 2013.PDF icon Performance assessment of aided GNSS for land navigation_pre_print_version.pdf (1.61 MB)
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , and GIOIA, C. , Performance assessment of GPS/GLONASS single point positioning in an urban environment, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, pp. 1-13, 2013.PDF icon Performance assessment of GPS_preprint.pdf (1.33 MB)
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , Gioia, C. , Borio, D. , and Fortuny-Guasch, J. , Testing the Test Satellites: the Galileo IOV Measurement Accuracy, in ICL-GNSS 2013 : International Conference on Localization and GNSS (accepted), 2013.PDF icon IeeeICL_Galileo_Accuracy_Pang_website_version.pdf (933.84 KB)
P. Freda, Algoritmi GNSS per la Stima della Velocità, 2014.PDF icon Tesi_Freda.pdf (4.51 MB)
C. Gioia, GNSS Navigation in difficult environments: Hybridization and Reliability, 2014.PDF icon PhD_thesis_CG.pdf (7.71 MB)
C. GIOIA, GNSS Navigation In Difficult Environments: Hybridization And Reliability, Ricerche di Geomatica 2014, 2014.PDF icon GNSS NAVIGATION IN DIFFICULT ENVIRONMENTS HYBRIDIZATION AND RELIABILITY_Phd_GIOIA-1.pdf (2.31 MB)
S. Gaglione, NeQuick model performance analysis for GNSS mass market receivers positioning, in United Nations / ICTP Workshop on the Use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) for Scientific Applications, International Centre of Theoretical Physics - Trisete (Italy), 2014.PDF icon NeQuick_PANG.pdf (4.44 MB)
G. Castaldo, Angrisano, A. , Gaglione, S. , and Troisi, S. , P-RANSAC: An Integrity Monitoring Approach for GNSS Signal Degraded Scenario, International Journal of Navigation and Observation, vol. 2014, 2014.PDF icon 173818.pdf (5.61 MB)
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , and Troisi, S. , Real-Time Receiver Clock Jump Detection for Code Absolute Positioning with Kalman Filter, Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 1-11, 2014.
S. Del Pizzo, Troisi, S. , Angrisano, A. , and Gaglione, S. , Roll and Pitch Estimation Using Visual Horizon Recognition, in 1st International Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality - Salento AVR 2014, Lecce, Italy, 2014.
