Benefit of the NeQuick Galileo Version in GNSS Single-Point Positioning

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TitleBenefit of the NeQuick Galileo Version in GNSS Single-Point Positioning
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsAngrisano, A, Gaglione, S, Gioia, C, Massaro, M, Troisi, S
JournalInternational Journal of Navigation and Observation
How to citate: 
Angrisano, Antonio, Gaglione, Salvatore, Gioia, Ciro, Massaro, Marco, Troisi, Salvatore (2013). Benefit of the NeQuick Galileo Version in GNSS Single-Point Positioning. International Journal of Navigation and Observation, ISSN:1687-5990 doi: 10.1155/2013/302947