An Enhanced Photogrammetric Approach for the Underwater Surveying of the Posidonia Meadow Structure in the Spiaggia Nera Area of Maratea

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TitleAn Enhanced Photogrammetric Approach for the Underwater Surveying of the Posidonia Meadow Structure in the Spiaggia Nera Area of Maratea
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsRusso, F, Del Pizzo, S, Di Ciaccio, F, Troisi, S
JournalJournal of Imaging
How to citate: 
Russo, Francesca, Del Pizzo, Silvio, Di Ciaccio, Fabiana, Troisi, Salvatore (2023). An Enhanced Photogrammetric Approach for the Underwater Surveying of the Posidonia Meadow Structure in the Spiaggia Nera Area of Maratea. Journal of Imaging, 113